Can we just talk about how happy this article makes me? Okay, so maybe you've never heard of WIC. Neither had I, until I started working at a grocery store. But since then, I've learned a little bit about it, and it's actually a really great program. It's one of those rare programs that gives me faith in the government.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) is a federal program that promotes good nutrition for statistically at-risk groups (pregnant women, new mothers, babies, and young children). They receive vouchers for nutritious foods to supplement their diet, such as milk, juice, cheese, eggs, and beans.
Anyway, the article from today's paper announced that soon the WIC program may be adding fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to the vouchers. This makes me ridiculously happy. The idea of a program that educates people, so they can use that knowledge to stay healthy after they're off the program...the idea of starting children on a healthy path so they can grow up to be healthy people...the idea of preventative care! It's exactly what the government should be doing to help people. Helping them help themselves, ya know? It reminds me of FDR's New people jobs & skills, not handouts. If only more government programs were like that...