A lot's been going on since the last time I posted something other than photos. Friday I spent about 45 minutes crying in Dr. Scott's office. I actually did a lot better on my International Econ test than I thought, but I had a lot of emotions that had been bubbling just under the surface for a few days prior. Anyway, Dr. Scott made me feel a whole lot better, and actually sort of encouraged me not to be an accountant, if it's something that makes me so unhappy.
Friday night was Ghost Roast. I don't have a lot to say about that.
Saturday night we went out to dinner to celebrate Ryan's birthday. Later, we went to Kroger, where I found...packaged alfredo sauce mix! I know that doesn't sound so exciting, but it's something I used to love when I was a kid, but Dillons stopped carrying it a long time ago. I made it for dinner tonight, and hoooooooooooooly crap, I'd forgotten how good it was!!
Last week at Wal-Mart, I bought a couple of little counted cross stitch kits. One of them has a little crown on it, and it was supposed to say "Little Princess," but I stitched on "Killer Queen" instead. The other one has Eeyore lying on the ground, looking up at a butterfly. It doesn't say anything on it. Anyway, they're both sooooo cute, and I really want to get some more, like the Tinkerbell one.
Okay, other than that, not much has been going on. I've got a Spanish test Wednesday, an Art History paper due next Monday, and an International Econ test probably next Thursday (yuck). Busy, busy, busy!!