It's snowing at home today. The windchill there right now is 1. One degree. Yeah. Absolutely freezing. I wanna be there!!!!!!!!!!! Instead, I'm here, where it's 48 (windchill is 43). We're supposed to get a "wintry mix" this evening, but I'm pretty sure that just means freezing rain.
Anyway, I'm pretty much done right now. Well, I've still got 2 classes that I have to go to (Spanish and economics), and I've got my Spanish final a week from tomorrow (sooooooo easy) and then a take-home final for econ. But then I'll be back home in about 9 days! So flippin' excited about that, yo.
Tonight Laura & I are going to the Candlelight Carol Service. I can't believe it's my senior year, and I've never been! She hasn't either, which is why we got tickets this year. I'm really excited about it! I've heard the choir's excellent.