Alright, so I'm not getting the CKCS puppy... Apparently, he was a lost dog, and his owners reclaimed him this morning. Granted, I don't know the situation, but I feel that dogs run away because they're not happy or because their owners are irresponsible. So on the one hand, I know I should be happy that these people have their dog back, but at the same time I can't help but feel like maybe they don't really deserve him. mom said that we'd go back to the Humane Society when I get home Saturday afternoon, and if I fall in love with another puppy I can get it. She also said she'd ask her friend Shonda about the pug she's getting and how much it costs. So...even though I didn't end up getting that puppy, I might still get a puppy.
I've been working on the corrections to that econ test I failed, and it's going soooooo slooooooooowly. I emailed Dr. Scott to see if I could just take the final home with me (it's a take-home), do it over the weekend, and mail it to him next week. Thank God he said yes... I'm about 2/3rds done with the rework of the last exam, plus I've still gotta study for my Spanish final (which is tomorrow morning), pack, clean my room, and make all that crap for the party tomorrow night. Aaaaaaagh.