Yesterday I burned my tongue on some soup. It still huuuurts.
Once again, I'm doing a case for Corporate Strategy the morning that it's due. I hate this class. I thought it was going to be an easy way to get my comp grade, and for the most part it is, but these cases are ridiculous.
Listening to "Home" by Jack Johnson makes me really sad. It makes me miss my mom and my dog and my life. All of that is missing when I'm here.
Boys are something I should seriously stay away from. Love is starting to make me feel like a bad person.
I've got stuff to mail today, but I don't know when I'm going to be able to do it. Mostly because I suck at getting things done.
I'm not happy. I'm sure that's obvious. I try to be happy and normal, but sometimes I'd really rather just sit in my room by myself. These days, that doesn't even get to happen too much. My only real way to escape is to get in my fort. And shut people out emotionally, since I can't seem to do it physically.
I feel like everything I've worked for has been in vain. I worked hard in school, and look where it's gotten a school I hate with a major I can't stand. I work hard at my jobs, but I still make barely above minimum wage and never have any money. No car (well, no license, but I wouldn't have a car even if I did have a license), no boyfriend, very few friends. Meanwhile, my brother has skated by in life. He's half-assed everything he's ever done, and has usually been able to get other people to do his work for him. He can't even wake himself up in the morning. But he's got a nice cushy job that pays almost 13 bucks an hour (a job he skipped 4 times in less than 2 weeks...and still didn't get fired). And he's got a freaking gorgeous girlfriend. He just bought a new car, and after trying to get out of it, the car dealer improved his deal. This kid has NO CREDIT, yet he has a better interest rate on his car loan than my mom (who has excellent credit). My mom says this is all just my perception, that things aren't really as polarized as I'm making them out to be. Whatever.
I'm cranky. :-\