FYI: I hate going with the flow. It's very much against my ridiculously impatient nature.
Yesterday I started reading The Alchemist, and I finished it this evening. I'm still not really sure how I feel about it. I want to like it. I feel like I did like it. But I don't feel deeply and profoundly changed by it. I already listen to my heart. I already look for signs. I haven't found my Personal Legend or anything, but I sort of think that's just a bunch of hooey anyway. Anyway, now I've started reading Erik Larson's Thunderstruck, which isn't quite as good as The Devil in the White City (at least so far...but hey, I'm only on page 26), but I think I'll like it anyway.
I spent a good chunk of tonight singing horrible karaoke in Laura's apartment, wondering whether or not I got asked out on a date, and not doing a bit of homework.