So Flavio is officially the greatest thing since sliced bread (although it should be noted that in Italy, this is not so impressive, since they've only had sliced bread for about 5 years now...and how many great things have really happened in the past 5 years?). As a knitter, I've found my lack of Adobe pretty crippling because there are so many rad patterns on the internet, and of course they're almost all pdf files (with the glorious exception of Knitty, of course). I had to delete Adobe a year or two ago because my computer was ultra-low on memory, and at the time I wasn't really using it. Recently, I've been trying to re-download it, but it wouldn't work! It would quit on me about halfway through the install. So today I made an offhanded comment about my lack of Adobe, and Flavio was like, "Oh, well, what about Foxit?" Which I'm apparently not hip enough to have ever heard of. So he sends me to the website, and less than 5 minutes later I've got a program to read pdf files. And now I've got goo-gobs of fabulous new knitting patterns, mostly from Ysolda Teague (whose name Flavio & I love so much, we've decided to give it to our future baby girl, should we be so lucky to have one someday).
I've frogged the sock I was working on. Hmph. Anyway, I was yearning for something else to knit, so I started a striped sweater like the aqua one I made a while back. It's brown with pale pink stripes. Soooo cute. I was going to make these sweaters for Sara's babies (she's having twins!!), but after finding the Ysolda patterns, I've decided to make Sophie and Elijah. And maybe Otto for her son, Brock. He'll be 3 in November, and there's no way that's too old for a teddy bear. I wouldn't want him to feel left out.
On a non-knitting note, Flavio's been amazing lately. First he was looking into visas and job openings. Then he was talking about weddings (he thinks we should have 2) and telling his colleagues that he wants to get married. Then he was looking at wedding rings and asking about fertility treatments. I dunno what's inspired it all, but it makes me so happy. It makes it feel so much more real...not like we've got a set-in-stone timeline for all of these things...but like it's not just talk, he's taking it seriously. Yay!! Man, I really hit the jackpot with this fella.