Today I'm returning a picture frame I bought. It was Marine-themed, and I was going to put a picture of Shane in it. I'm exchanging it for a friend-themed frame. I guess it's kind of symbolic...friends are the ones you can really count on, the ones who will always be there, blah blah blah. The whole thing kind of makes me sad, though.
This has been a really rotten summer for me. I've gone to two movies and one concert, and those are the only fun things I've done the entire time I've been home. I feel like I had a lot more planned for the summer...going to Joyland, taking pictures of Tyler & Jessica, eating lots of sushi. And it's not that I've been so ridiculously busy with work. I usually work 20-30 hours per week, and I always have at least one day off. Sometimes I have two or three. Anyway, this is kind of a crappy way to spend my last real "summer vacation."
Okay, so I'm not in the best mood today. Maybe it's because I'm about to go drop almost a third of my paycheck on birth control.