I think I'm getting sick. I'm sure I've picked up something from the customers at the store, no matter how many times I clean the place with anti-bacterial wipes and disinfectant. Boo.
On the plus side, I only have to work for two more weeks. Then I'm done!! I'll have a week left at home, to pack and visit my grandparents and maybe actually have a little fun. Then it's back to Arkansas... I really don't know if that's something to be excited about, though.
Earlier today, I washed dishes for probably the first time all summer (or at least since I've been working). It felt good to do something nice for my mom. I know I should do stuff like that all the time, but I don't. I don't even have a good excuse for it, other than being tired, which isn't really a very good excuse at all because my mom is 10x more tired than I am at any given moment.
During my lunch break, I ate some Bagel Bites, which resulted in burning the roof of my mouth. It's now minus a layer of skin in some spots. Yucky. Maybe ice cream will help? God, I'm such a health nut. Bagel Bites for lunch, Taco Bell for dinner, ice cream for dessert. Hey, at least the tacos had some lettuce & tomatoes. And I had yogurt for breakfast.
Okay, now I've gotta do some laundry before I can pass out for the night...