I miss Flavio more & more every day. Especially lately, when it seems like he's always too busy or too tired to talk to me. I feel guilty for being upset that he doesn't have time for me. It's not like he's just blowing me off to hang out with his friends or anything. He's working and studying. Still...I wish we had more time together.
I've been spending a lot of time cooking lately. I bought a Betty Crocker brunch magazine at the grocery store a few days ago, and a couple weeks ago I bought the latest issue of La Cucina Italiana (which I've decided to subscribe to), so I'm trying out a bunch of new recipes now. It's nice being back in the kitchen. I'm also knitting a lot (currently in the middle of two baby cardigans), growing flowers (besides the hyacinth, I recently planted lavender, poppy, and rudbeckia seeds), and eating a ton of gelato (so far, I've had bacio, stracciatella, red orange, lemon, chocolate basil, peanut butter, watermelon, and strawberry). I think spring must be my favorite season because I always feel so...reborn. My creative energy is through the roof, and all I want to do is explore. Explore new techniques. Explore new foods. Really just crawl out of myself and experience the world around me. It's a wonderful feeling!