Saturday, August 04, 2007

If I Hadn't Quit Already, This Would've Made Me Do It...

I think, as a special goodbye tribute to me on my last night at the store, every fucking moron on the east side of Wichita decided to come through UScan tonight. I mean I had everything...people who don't understand the concept of tax, people who don't know how to follow directions, people who are just fucking stupid. And, the cherry on top of the entire night came at 11 o'clock, when the store was technically closed. That's when a group of three assholes with two carts full of stuff AND a WIC order decided they were ready to check out. While Nick processed the WIC order, Jarion checked out the rest of their stuff and I bagged. Once Nick and I were almost done bagging everything--including a LOT of meat, frozen, and dairy items--Jarion discovered that their fucking Vision card wouldn't work. So then Nick and I had to go through the whole cart and sort out all of the perishables to take back to the cooler. And were the assholes apologetic? Well, in true asshole fashion, of course not! They were just pissed that they couldn't get their stuff.

I'm so angry at this point, I'm not even happy that I never have to go back. I just want to smash something.