Wednesday, February 27, 2008

T-minus 40 hours...

I really should update this thing more often, but the login process is a pain in the neck.

Anyway...Flavio's coming to visit in less than 2 days. About 40 hours, actually. Emotionally, I'm wavering somewhere between a state of elation and a nervous breakdown. Fortunately, I have a ton of things to do before he gets here, so at least I'll be busy instead of sitting around freaking out.

I've been knitting like crazy lately. In the past week, I've finished the striped baby sweater I started over the summer, plus I knitted a cute cabled sweater vest (modified from the original pattern, which had sleeves). Next I'll be knitting a little cabled cardigan.

Now I'm trying to decide if I should go to bed or stay up & clean. I know that I should go to bed because I have to work tomorrow night. But I'm not really very sleepy, and I have *so much* to do.