I can't sleep. My mom hit the road about 30 minutes ago, hoping to beat the latest bout of ice & snow. I hope she makes it home safely...yesterday she dozed off while driving and veered off into the oncoming lane...luckily there weren't any cars coming, and the construction cones she hit woke her up.
I guess since I can't sleep, I might as well write about the past 6 weeks. The short version: I got Max the day I came home, but it was all downhill from there. I spent my first 3 weeks at home working, usually going in sometime between 4 and 7 in the morning. While I was working, I spent a lot of time at my dad's house (not fun). During my first week at home, my mom got really sick, so when I wasn't working I was taking care of her. During my second week at home,
I got really sick. It seemed like it took me forever to get well. I was even sick on Christmas. Also while I was sick, I got a call from Dr. Scott telling me that he never received my International Economics final and rework (which I spent almost $15 to mail). He gave me an incomplete in the class and said that if he couldn't track it down (I've got proof that it was delivered, but unfortunately I was too stupid to make copies of the test before I mailed it), I'd have to redo it. I still have an incomplete, and I haven't heard from him, so I'm guessing that I'll probably have to redo it... Okay, so after I got well and quit my job, I had a week at home to get ready for Michael's visit. That week wasn't so bad...I mostly spent a lot of time with Max. Then Michael came to visit, and it didn't go well at all. He was supposed to stay for a week, but ended up only staying for 48 hours. We broke up. I spent the rest of that week not doing much of anything, other than stressing out about the weather situation. The roads ended up being too bad to travel last weekend, so I didn't get to come back to school until this weekend. So I missed an entire week of classes. And, unfortunately, I got here after the bookstore closed, so I can't go buy my books until Monday morning. So I can't start on any of that make up work until next freaking week.
And as bad as my break was, I'm homesick already. I miss Max so much, and I'm worried about what he's going to think when my mom comes home without me.
P.S. I forgot to mention all of the weird dreams I had over the break: my mom died suddenly, I found a lump in my breast, and I got pregnant. Hopefully these dreams won't be coming true.