Friday, January 19, 2007
Introducing Maximus
I got a dog. It was over a month ago, like December 9th or whatever day I went home. He's a 4-year old miniature schnauzer. His previous owner had named him Frank, but I thought that was a horrible name for such a sweet little dog. So I named him Maximus. My little Max was groomed a couple weeks after this picture was taken, so now he actually looks like a schnauzer. I miss his long curls, but not the smell that accompanied them. My baby boy loves to dress up in cute little t-shirts (he has 4 of them to choose from!), and his favorite song is "Fergalicious" (we dance whenever the video comes on VH1). As silly as it sounds, I love him more than anything. I already miss the sound of his collar jingling as he runs around the house and his warm little body curling up in my lap while I watch TV. It's the biggest downside of being back at school.