This morning I had brunch with my mom, her bff Debbie, and Debbie's daughter Sara. We went to Eggs Cetera in Oldtown. I'd heard good things, but I'd never been there before. It was pretty good! No Something Brewing, of course, but really...what is? God I miss that place! Anyway, Eggs Cetera was nice (previously we'd done the brunch thing at The Good Egg, which is in Bradley Fair on the east side...a pretty good restaurant, although I can't remember what I had...quiche, maybe?). This morning I had a breakfast sandwich on a bagel with scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, and cream cheese. Yum!! It came with a Waldorf salad, which was alright, and I also got a side of their house potatoes, which were NOT a good contrast to the salad. Bad move on my part. After brunch, we all sat around outside next to the parking garage across the street (where this picture was taken) and talked. Looking at this picture makes me wonder what a purse says about a woman...if anything. I asked my mom that question, and she looked at mine and said, "Uptight." Hmph. From left to right: Debbie, Sara, me, Mom.