Thursday, September 27, 2007

Empowerment Day

I decided to spend today reminding myself that my personal happiness lies in my own hands. I got pretty for myself (straightening my hair for the first time in about a month!), and then I treated myself to coffee and beautiful California sunflowers and a long drive in my car. I spent the afternoon shopping with my mom at two of my favorite stores (Hallmark & Target). I almost got the sweetest freaking camera ever for my birthday, but it was sold out. Bitches. But a purple argyle sweater and a caramel frappuccino helped me bounce back in a snap.

After shopping, my mom & I met up with Tyler at Johnny Carino's, one of my favorite restaurants. I got pleasantly buzzed after a glass of my favorite wine, feasted on a honey-pecan salmon salad, and indulged in the dreamiest tiramisu I've ever had in my life. Talk about a fantastic birthday dinner! I even made it home in time to catch the season premiere of Ugly Betty, although I ended up sleeping through about it half of it.

Anyway, this has been one of the happiest & most satisfying birthdays of my life. I'm glad I took control of the situation and did what I wanted to do today, instead of sitting around and expecting everyone to read my mind. I know today wasn't really my birthday, but it was the perfect day to celebrate it.

I think I found my happy. Again.