I hate this... Okay, so here's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel purebred, available for adoption at the Kansas Humane Society. This is the kind of dog I've been wanting for the past like 5 years, ever since our cocker spaniel died. It's the kind of dog I knew I'd never have because I'd only be able to get it from a breeder, and it would cost $1000+. But here's one...at the Humane Society...which only costs like 120 bucks. But will my mom get it for me? No. Why? Because I won't be home until Saturday, and even when I do come home I'm going to be working, and she doesn't have the time to take care of a dog. This is such bullshit! Back when we had Brutus, she STILL let Tyler get Xena. So we had 2 freaking rottweilers at once. And she knew Tyler wouldn't take care of them. Who did? Who trained Xena? Oh, that's right, I did. I mean, if Tyler had seen this dog at the Humane Society, fallen in love with it, and called Mom up to ask if he could get it...she would crumble like a motherfuckin' cookie and say yes. But for me...not so much.
I mean, I knew it was a long shot to even ask...but still... Heart=broken.