Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I just finished season 1 of "House"...omg help I'm so bored.

So I'm currently learning 2 languages--Portuguese and Italian. Lately I've been making all of these friends (online) from around the world. I'm learning so much, and I love it. It makes me a little sad, though, because it's a reminder that I'm, ya know, here. But it also gives me a feeling of power over my maybe I really could leave. Just go somewhere. Anyway, I need money and a passport (if I go abroad, that is...I may just go somewhere else in-country), so it's not something that's going to happen anytime soon. But the more pissed off I get at the situation I've put myself in, the more motivated I am to get out of it.

And for the guys out there, here's some advice:

Situations in Which Not to Hit on Me:
  • If you're a dirty old man, even if you don't think you're a dirty old man, please don't hit on me. It's so creepy!! If you're over 35, just stop. Shit, even if you're over 30, you're pushing it.
  • If you're high as a kite. I'm not a bag of Doritos, k?
  • IF YOU'RE WITH YOUR MOTHER! Seriously. That's just weird.
  • IF YOU'RE WITH YOUR KIDS! Seriously. That's just wrong.
  • If you're going to hit on me by insulting me. Yeah, you're just not getting anywhere with that one...
  • If I'm at work, period. I'm sweaty, I'm gross, and I'm probably only being nice to you because it's my job. Please don't tell me how nice it would be to wake up to the sound of my voice. Please don't ask for my number. Please don't give me those looks. I'm not in the mood, I'm not interested, I'm not available.