I finished knitting all of the squares for my art project, and now I'm just sewing them all together. Then all I've gotta do is knit & sew together the border. I'd like to get it all done by tomorrow afternoon so I can spend tomorrow night finishing up my sketchbook. Then, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, I will officially be done with Freehand Drawing! And I'm done with Art History, but I'm still going to class because I like Dr. Miller and we've started learning about the Renaissance. I've got 2 days (plus an extra out-of-class meeting) of International Economics, then a take-home final. Four days left of Spanish, then the final. And then...the semester will fiiiiiiiinally be OVER! Yeah, I'm excited.
This morning I had a little time to kill before Spanish, so I took a few pictures. I really like the way this one turned out, and it's the one I'm having framed for my mom for Christmas: