Sunday, May 06, 2007


I wish I knew the conversion from British pounds to US dollars. I just bought Amy Winehouse's first CD from AmazonUK because the US version doesn't come out until September 21st. And although that would've made it a wonderful birthday present, I'm so very bad at waiting. It's taking all of the self-control I can muster to not download the new Maroon 5 single. The album comes out on the 22nd, and I think it would be really stupid to spend 99 cents on the song now just to drop another 15 bucks when the CD comes out.

OMG SO MUCH MUSIC!!!!!!!!! I go through dry spells when everything I come across SUCKS. And then, of course, there's the flood. And there's so much music, I just can't keep up with it all. It kind of sucks too because I end up getting three or four (or in this case, FIVE!) albums within a month of each other, and some of them just don't get my full attention until several months (or maybe even years) later. Yesterday my mom bought the new Michael Bublé and Martina McBride albums, both of which I burned onto my computer and listened to last night while I packed. Both are really good, of course, but since I downloaded Back to Black I haven't listened to anything else. ANYWAY...........I shouldn't be complaining about this. I've got music!!! My computer's memory is probably groaning under the strain of it all. Haha!