Thursday, May 17, 2007

Great Day!!

Today's been a pretty decent day, other than the headache, back ache, and constant sleepiness. I went shopping. I got a grown-up purse, but it's not like old lady-ish. It's blue leather, and the liner is leopard-print (not cheesy, though). It was 30% off (still pretty expensive, though)! I also got a new battery for my watch (which died like 6 months ago) and some new clothes (a couple pairs of bermuda shorts, 3 pairs of pjs, and a bunch of new undies).

Work wasn't too bad today. People were nice (customers & coworkers), and the time went by pretty fast. I didn't make any mistakes and everything was pretty much smooth sailing.

Tomorrow I get to *hopefully* pick out a new bed. And go out to lunch. And maybe go see a movie. And work a closing shift (as much as I used to complain about them, I miss the relaxed atmosphere of summer nights at the store).