Friday, May 04, 2007

Sunshine & Roses & Little Baby Kittens

Yeah, I'm feeling loads better. I let go of being angry and sad. Maybe it's because I'm wearing yellow. Maybe it's because I don't want to leave on bad terms. Maybe it's because BLAH BLAH BLAH. Who cares why? I'm just happy, and I don't think I need a reason for it.

So I'm reading House of Sand and Fog, and I love it...........but................. Well, there is no but, I suppose. I like that it's got all of this background information about the characters. There's not a lot of backstory in the movie, not really. I mean things are alluded to, but nothing is explained the way it is in the book. Another thing I really love about the book is that it's written in first-person, alternating between Behrani and Kathy. So I feel like I'm really getting to know these characters I already love. But the problem with the book is one I hadn't actually anticipated: everything that's happening in the present is exactly how it happens in the movie. Word for word on the dialogue. And I don't know how to feel about it. It almost makes the book seem...a little flat. I suppose because, to me, the movie is perfection and the actors really make these characters come alive. So just reading the words...I don't know, I can't explain it. Maybe once the action really starts (which it should soon; I've just reached the part where Kathy jumps down onto the nails), it'll move faster.