Thursday, May 24, 2007

Extreme Makeover: Bedroom Edition

So the room is seriously starting to come together. Here's all I've got left to do:
  • Put books on the shelves (I'm having to be more choosey than I'd like...I just have too, too many books...and this bookcase isn't as big as I thought, unless I stack my books double-deep...which makes me a little nervous).
  • Set up my little bookcase (the one I had in my dorm room) and put all my DVDs on it (which means I also need to find my DVDs and put them all back in their cases...ughhh).
  • Put all of my clothes away (which means unpacking all of my clothes, which I still haven't done).
  • Unpack everything else I want to put in my room, then put everything else out in the garage.
  • Hang shit on the walls (today I took almost everything down).
  • Vacuum and put my rug down.
  • Clean out my closet (huuuuuuuge project...may not be done until later this summer).
Man...writing all of that out makes me wonder what the hell I've been doing this whole time. But I look around my room, and all of this is really just little stuff compared to what I've done so far. It feels good to be almost done. I'm planning to do several of these things tonight, especially since I don't really have to go to bed early or anything. I'd love to pop in a movie while I work, but my crummy DVD player has decided that playing 2 and half episodes of Kyle XY was more than enough work for one day, and now it's being stupid on me again. Yay for cheap electronics! :-\