Sunday, May 20, 2007


I was up until midnight putting together my new bookcase. It took four hours. Ridiculous. This morning I got up a little after 7 and put my bed together. Putting the bed together didn't take too long (maybe 20 or 30 minutes), but I had to clear a place for it, which meant moving out furniture and throwing a ton of shit away.

Anyway, bookcase and bed are done. Now I've got the dresser and the nightstand left for Monday night/Tuesday. Plus packing, unpacking, repacking, arranging, rearranging, blah blah blah. I think I should have it all done by Saturday night. I'm off Tuesday, only working Wednesday morning (leaving me the rest of the day to work on the room), and off on Friday & Saturday. And Thursday...I don't know what I'm going to do about Thursday...I'm scheduled to work 12pm-5pm. I have no idea how I'm going to get there.

Man, it's nice to just sit down for a little while...