Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Need To Find Something Else...

I don't think it's really sunk in that I'm home for good. I keep thinking, "Oh, I've gotta remember to get this done!" Completely forgetting that I've got, well, the rest of forever to do it.

I hate my job. I don't like saying that because I really am grateful to have it, even though I'm grossly overqualified for it. And I do need the money. But all of the reasons why I used to actually like my job--the people I worked with--are gone. Well, I'm sure they're not all gone. Tina's still there, and I saw Jeff today (although he wasn't working), and I'm pretty sure Kamron's still there, and Evan is probably coming back when he finishes up the semester. As much as getting up at 3AM sucks, I think I'd like to switch to doing scanning all the time. Three hours checking is stressful and goes by sooooo sloooow. Eight hours scanning is hard work, and my muscles ache like crazy the next day, but I enjoy the work, and the day goes by fast. Plus I ♥ the scanning crew.

Anyway, everyone and their mom keeps trying to set me up with an accounting job. It's getting harder to say no because I don't want to stay at Dillons forever. But I cannot emphasize enough how much I do not want to be an accountant. But man...I need to find something...

Max & I went for a walk today. There was a little bit of running, but not much...I was just too tired. Same distance as yesterday.